Sharing the joy of dance

Free Spirit has closed down
Free Spirit has closed our doors.
It is the end of an era. The Free Spirit Dance Community Inc closed our metaphorical and actual sequined doors at the end of 2024. With the decline in volunteering across all industries, lacklustre support for events and rising costs, the future of Free Spirit had become untenable.
Free Spirit first started in the early 2000s, was incorporated as a non-profit association in 2010 and has been a vibrant community of dancers, musicians, artists and friends over the years. We would like to pass on our huge thanks to the many volunteers, performers, helpers and supporters who made the community such an inclusive and welcoming circle. An especial thanks to all the members of the Free Spirit Committee for leading, nurturing and representing the beautiful dancers of WA and the art form that brings us all such joy.
Thank you to everyone for being part of the Free Spirit Journey and we look forward to the new things that grow from here in the dance garden of WA.
Bellydance Schools / Teachers / Contacts
PERTH CONTACTS (in alphabetical order)
Adriana Gordon – The Daughters of Horus (Parmelia & Kwinana) www.facebook.com/daughtersofhorus
Alura Bellydance (Bibra Lake) www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063675545662
Andrea – Andriya Dance (Heathridge) https://andriya.dance/
Belyssa Academy of Danse Orientale (Beckenham) 04117 182096
Caroline Fracasso (Nollamara) www.facebook.com/caroline.fracasso
Cat Rowbottom (Fremantle/Success) www.facebook.com/cat.rowbottam
Emily Rose Rogers - Bellydance with Emily (Rockingham) www.facebook.com/rockingham.mermaid
Eva Cass (Rockingham)
Katia Benedet - Coastal ATS (Wembley) www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087523133781
Keti Sharif – Blue Lotus Room (Morley) http://bluelotusroom.com
Kim Astle - Studio 44 The Hip Joint (Wangara & Joondalup) www.facebook.com/Studio44HipJoint
La Kita (Perth Hills) www.facebook.com/LAKITA.dancepage
Michelle Ridsdale (Booragoon) 0400390798
Nat Diggins - Tamanya Movement (Woodvale) www.tamanyamovement.com
Noelene Harrison (Shoalwater) www.facebook.com/noelene.butcher
Petra White - Martin Earth Studio WA (Perth Hills) www.facebook.com/earthstudiowa
Princess Fee Bellydance (Medina) www.princessfeebellydance.com
Raven Michaels (Perth Hills) www.facebook.com/Raven.shamanichealing
Richelle Spencer - Tribal from the Heart (Bibra Lake) www.facebook.com/TribalFromTheHeart
Sam Nascimento - Blue Lotus Room (Morley) Drum Teacher & Drum supplier http://bluelotusroom.com
Sandra Hansen – Sinbad’s Daughters (Mandurah) 0412027016
Suhayla Skc - Midland Dance Studios (Midland) www.facebook.com/suhaylaskc
Suzanne Oehlers - The Flow Shed (Marginiup) www.facebook.com/TheFlowShed.Perth
Tabetha - Midland Dance Studios (Midland) www.facebook.com/MidlandDance1
ALBANY: Rose Sing Bellydance www.facebook.com/jadeyonitemple
BUNBURY: Rebecca Dyson Tichbon www.titchhaven.com.au
GOLDFIELDS Natasher Dacey, Paulette Donaldson Miller - Veils of Gold www.facebook.com/Veilsofgold
GERALDTON: Sue Knighton Midwest Community Fusion Bellydancers / Belly Diamonds 0499550006
GERALDTON: Tamara – BellySparkles 0434362448
GERALDTON: Tiffany - Shimmie Sisters 0427194390
KUNUNURRA Kiri Lerch - Monsoon Nights Bellydance www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064568836216
Alma Sarhan Photography www.almasarhanphotography.com
Auset Bellydance Weekend www.ausetdance.com
WAMED Festival www.wamedfestival.com
Thank you to Kim for compiling this list for Perth Bellydancers Facebook Group.